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TopCoder SRM 542 - 1000: RabbitWorking

Problem Statement


现在你要挑选出k只兔子,使得利益总和除以( k*(200-k) )最大。



N rabbits (numbered 0 through N - 1) aim to work at the new TopCoder office in Rabbitland. You are to choose some of these applicants as employees.

Each pair of rabbits will make a certain profit when they work together. Given a group of rabbits, we can easily compute the total profit P as the sum of profits for each pair of rabbits in the group. However, hiring rabbits also brings some costs: they want to have a supply of fresh carrots. Surprisingly, the cost of supplying carrots to K rabbits is not linear in K. This cost is given by the formula C = (K * (200 - K)). The efficiency of a given group of rabbits is the real number (P / C), where P is their total profit and C is the cost of supplying carrots for them.

You are given a vector <string> profit, the j-th character of the i-th element of which represents the profit gained from rabbit i and rabbit j working together. The characters '0', '1', ..., '9' represent the values 0, 1, ..., 9, respectively. You may hire an arbitrary non-empty subset of the available rabbits. Return the maximum possible efficiency of the group of hired rabbits.


Parameters:vector <string>
Method signature:double getMaximum(vector <string> profit)
(be sure your method is public)


Time limit (s):2.000
Memory limit (MB):64


-The returned value must have an absolute or relative error less than 1e-9.


-profit will contain between 1 and 50 elements, inclusive.
-Each element of profit will contain exactly N characters, where N is the number of elements in profit.
-Each character in each element of profit will be a digit ('0' - '9').
-For each index i and j, the i-th character of the j-th element of profit will be equal to the j-th character of the i-th element of profit.
-For each index i, the i-th character of the i-th element of profit will be '0'.


{ "071", 
  "120" }
Returns: 0.017676767676767676
  • If you choose only one rabbit, then P = 0, K = 1 and the efficiency is 0.
  • If you choose rabbit 0 and rabbit 1, then P = 7, K = 2 and the efficiency is 7/396.
  • If you choose rabbit 0 and rabbit 2, then P = 1, K = 2 and the efficiency is 1/396.
  • If you choose rabbit 1 and rabbit 2, then P = 2, K = 2 and the efficiency is 2/396.
  • If you choose all three rabbits, then P = 10, K = 3 and the efficiency is 10/591.
You should choose rabbit 0 and rabbit 1 to maximize the efficiency.
{ "061", 
  "120" }
Returns: 0.015228426395939087
You should choose all three rabbits here.
{ "0" }
Returns: 0.0
{ "013040", 
  "000800" }
Returns: 0.021996615905245348
{ "06390061", 
  "12022610" }
Returns: 0.06871794871794872

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