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Flag Counter TopCoder SRM 582 - 1000: SemiPerfectPower

SRM 582 1 1000 SemiPerfectPower

Problem Statement

定义了一种半完美数,一个数 n 被称为半完美数当且仅当存在 a、b、c 三个整数使得 b > 1, 1 ≤ c < a, n = c * a ^ b 。
现给出一个区间 [L, R] 之间有多少个半完美数。
1 ≤ L, R ≤ 8 * 10,000,000,000,000,000

Magical Girl Iris loves perfect powers. A positive integer n is a perfect power if and only if there are positive integers b > 1 and c > 1 such that b^c = n (where ^ denotes exponentiation). For example, 8 (=2^3) and 243 (=3^5) are perfect powers, while 1 and 54 are not.
One day, Iris discovered that there are very few perfect powers. To avoid being disappointed, she quickly invented the semi-perfect powers: A positive integer n is a semi-perfect power if and only if there are positive integers a >= 1, b > 1, and c > 1 such that a < b and a*(b^c) = n. For example, 243 (=1*3^5) and 54 (=2*3^3) are semi-perfect powers, while 1 and 24 are not.
Note that for some semi-perfect numbers there may be more than one corresponding triple (a,b,c). For example, 432 can be expressed as 2*6^3, but also as 3*12^2.
You are given longs L and R. Calculate and return the number of semi-perfect powers that lie between L and R, inclusive.


(be sure your method is public)



Test cases

  1. input
    • L 18
    • R 58
    Returns 9
    There are 9 semi-perfect powers between 18 and 58, inclusive: 18, 25, 27, 32, 36, 48, 49, 50, and 54.
  2. input
    • L 1
    • R 10
    Returns 3
    Note that 1 is not considered to be a semi-perfect power.
  3. input
    • L 60
    • R 70
    Returns 1
    The number 64 is the only semi-perfect power in the given range. Note that there are multiple ways to choose a, b, and c when showing that 64 is a semi-perfect power. Still, each semi-perfect power should only be counted once.
  4. input
    • L 319268319114310
    • R 35860463407469139
    Returns 95023825161
  5. input
    • L 1
    • R 80000000000000000
    Returns 169502909978

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