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Flag Counter TopCoder SRM 589 - 900: FlippingBitsDiv1

SRM 589 1 900 FlippingBitsDiv1

Problem Statement


给出一个只包含字符'0'和字符'1'的字符串和数字 M。


2.将字符串的前 k * M 位全都取反。

用最少的操作次数使得这个字符串的前 N-M 位构成的字符串和后 N-M 位构成的字符串完全相同。


保证字符串的长度小于或等于 300。

Goose Tattarrattat has a sequence B of bits. The length of the sequence is N. Tattarrattat also has a favorite integer M which is between 1 and N, inclusive.

A sequence of N bits is called a rotator sequence if it has the following property: its prefix of length N-M is equal to its suffix of length N-M.

For example, let M=2. Consider the sequence B="10101010". Its length is N=8, so we have N-M=6. The prefix of length 6 is "101010", the suffix of length 6 is "101010". They are the same, so this B is a rotator sequence. Now consider B="11010100". For this B we compare the prefix "110101" to the suffix "010100". They differ, so this B is not a rotator sequence.

Tattarrattat wants to change her sequence B into some rotator sequence. She will produce such a sequence in a sequence of steps. In each step she can do one of the following two types of changes to the sequence:

  • Flip any bit (from 1 to 0 or from 0 to 1).
  • Flip the first k*M bits, for any positive integer k.

You are given a String[] S and the int M. Concatenate all elements of S to obtain one long String. This String will represent the sequence B: each of its characters will be either '0' or '1'. Return the minimal number of steps required to obtain some rotator sequence.


(be sure your method is public)



Test cases

  1. input
    • S { "00111000" }
    • M 1
    Returns 2
    An optimal solution: she can flip the first 2*1 bits to obtain "11111000", and then flip the first 5*1 bits to obtain "00000000" which is a rotator sequence.
  2. input
    • S { "101100001101" }
    • M 3
    Returns 2
  3. input
    • S { "11111111" }
    • M 4
    Returns 0
  4. input
    • S { "1101001000" }
    • M 8
    Returns 1
  5. input
    • S { "1", "10", "11", "100", "101", "110" }
    • M 5
    Returns 4
    Don't forget to concatenate the elements of S.
  6. input
    • S { "1001011000101010001111111110111011011100110001001" }
    • M 2
    Returns 16

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